
Trade NFT

On this page, learn how to trade NFTs! You can use the NFTokenCreateOffer transaction and the NFTokenAcceptOffer transaction to trade NFTs.

The NFTokenCreateOffer transaction creates an order to buy or sell an NFT.

The NFTokenAcceptOffer transaction accepts a buy or sell order that has already been created by another account and completes the NFT trade.。

NFTokenCreateOffer transaction

The following fields can be specified in the NFTokenCreateOffer transaction:

  • NFTokenID: Specify the NFT ID.
  • Owner: Specifies the address of the NFT owner. Specify only for buy offer.
  • Amount: Specify the amount you wish to buy or sell the NFT for; if 0 is specified, it is in fact a transfer.
  • Expiration: Specify the time at which the offer becomes invalid.
  • Destination: Specify the address of the buyer or seller. Only the specified address can be Accepted.
  • Flags: To create a sell offer, specify tfSellNFToken(1).

Let's create an offer to sell your NFT in holding.

First, get the NFT held by the account.

It can be obtained with the account_nfts command.


Choose one NFT and create a sell offer specifying the NFT's ID.

Transaction Result:

NFTokenAcceptOffer transaction

note: Broker mode is not covered here. Please refer to the documentation for broker mode.

The following fields can be specified in the NFTokenAcceptOffer transaction:

  • NFTokenSellOffer: When approving a sell offer, that is, when an account buys another account's NFTs, specify the ID of that sell offer.
  • NFTokenBuyOffer: When approving a buy offer, that is, when an account sells its own NFTs, it specifies the ID of the buy offer.

Try the NFTokenAcceptOffer transaction.

Create NFT and sale offer for testing

First, create an NFT for approval and a sell offer in a separate account.

NFT ID: none

Get Offer ID

Next, let's get the ID of the NFT offer you have created.

You can use the nft_sell_offers command to get the sell offers for a given NFT ID.

Similarly, the nft_buy_offers command exists to retrieve buy offers, but is not used in this case.


Create NFTokenAcceptOffer transaction

Let's create an NFTokenAcceptOffer transaction using the obtained NFT offer information.

Transaction Result: